Matt was intended to fight first, but Shiro, seeking to protect the younger and less able Matt after he discover that the boy would not survive, Shiro feigned a bloodthirsty attitude and injured his friend to insure that he wouldn't be forced to fight.
However, he and his comrades, his commander, Samuel Holt and Sam's son Matthew Holt were abducted by the Galra Empire and held prisoner at least for a time aboard the ship of an Galra Commander and then Commander Sendak's ship after that, Sam was sent with weaker prisoners to a work camp while Shiro and Matt were sent to fight for Zarkon's entertainment in the gladiator arena against Myzax. Shiro was originally a pilot for Galaxy Garrison with a legendary reputation on Earth, he was assigned as the pilot to an expedition mission to Kerberos, one of the moons of Pluto. History Captive of the Galra and Early Life 1.6 Finding Allies and learning the Truth.1.1 Captive of the Galra and Early Life.